High School Partnership

Boston’s School-to-Career Intermediary

In partnership with Mayor Michelle Wu, the Boston Public Schools, and local employers, the PIC develops jobs and internships and provides career awareness activities for high school students. For four decades, Boston has led the nation in our commitment to private-sector employment for teenagers. The PIC connects BPS students to employer-paid, employer-supervised jobs and internships in healthcare, finance, technology, higher education, life sciences, architecture, and professional services. Many summer interns continue working during the school year as paid interns or part-time employees.

For young people, the workplace offers an opportunity to build critical skills that complement academic learning–communication, collaboration, time management, and problem-solving. Under Boston’s school superintendent, Mary Skipper, the PIC expects to see a focus on skill development in these areas and further connections between the classroom and the workplace

Connecting with Students

The PIC’s school-based Career Specialists, led by Career Services Director Jimmy Wyman, identify, prepare, and match Boston public high school students with paid work experiences in professional environments. They assess student motivation and reliability throughout the year based on participation in workshops and career exploration opportunities. They also help organize work readiness and career awareness activities such as job shadows, mock interviews, worksite visits, and career panels.

Connecting with Employers

PIC Employer Engagement Managers, led by Employer Engagement Director Josh Bruno, work with employers to develop and implement internship programs for Boston high school students. The Employer Engagement Managers work with PIC’s school-based Career Specialists to identify, prepare and match students with internship opportunities and support employers through the process of interviewing and onboarding students. Career Specialists are available to both students and supervisors throughout the summer to support work-based learning.

In addition, the Employer Engagement team facilitates the PIC’s Employer Network, which offers a forum for internship coordinators and business partners to share successful internship practices, network with each other, engage new employers, and collaborate with the Boston Public Schools. If you are interested in potentially hiring summer interns and would like to attend a PIC Employer Network meeting commitment-free, please contact Josh Bruno, Director of Employer Engagement.