Young Adult Employment

Employers, providing Boston’s young adults with a good first job can make an incredible difference in their lives while meeting your needs for entry-level employees.

In 2024, with the PIC’s support, JVS piloted Young Adult Career Center Services within the MassHire Downtown Career Center, with the goal of preparing young adults to succeed in a range of employment opportunities. The Young Adult Career Center Services empowers young adults to explore careers, develop skills, and receive referrals to jobs and job training.

Building on that pilot, the Opportunity Youth Collaborative, co-convened by the PIC and the Boston Opportunity Agenda, is excited to have received the Scaling Youth Opportunities Cohort (SYOC) grant from the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions to support young adult career navigation at both JVS’s MassHire Downtown Career Center and the new MassHire Boston ABCD Career Center. In addition, the grant will support a PIC Young Adult Transitions Manager to connect non-college-going Boston Public Schools students to the services at the career centers.