Career Pathways for Boston’s Opportunity Youth
On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, the Boston Opportunity Youth Collaborative (OYC) brought together 150 community partners to learn about the new Career Pathways for Boston’s Opportunity Youth report, produced by the Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy. The report – the third in the joint series produced collaboratively by the Rennie Center and the OYC – analyzes the status of career pathways for opportunity youth in Boston, and lifts up ideas for improving that status. The research for the report, as supported by Youth Voice Project leader Amanda Shabowich, incorporates significant youth feedback. This adds to the authenticity of the findings while also grounding the analysis in the lived experience of those most impacted.
Rennie Center researchers Sinead Chalmers and Laura Dziorny presented the report findings, which emphasize the need for career exploration opportunities and hands-on educational experiences. Panelists representing education, workforce development, and youth voice then responded to the findings, charting a road map forward for the city. Panelists included:
- Alysia Ordway, Employer Engagement Director, Boston Private Industry Council
- Moise Michel, Community Partnerships and Recruiting Manager, City Year
- Alison Carter Marlowe, Director of Programs and Operations, YouthBuild Boston
- Mario Hines, Chief Program Officer, InnerCity Weightlifting
Tony Benoit, President of Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, gave the closing remarks. He focused specifically on how institutions can respond to the needs of opportunity youth by diversifying the types of career pathways available and committing to making them accessible for all young people.
This event was a reaffirmation of the core goals of the Opportunity Youth Collaborative: to bring partners together, coordinate the work, and elevating youth advocates. The OYC and its affiliates continue to seek ways to use the city’s considerable resources to connect all young adults to education, training, and career-level employment.
You can find the report here.
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